Saturday, October 14, 2006

Oh the good old hockey game...

Hockey belongs to the Cartoon Network, where a person can be pancaked by an ACME anvil, then expanded - accordion-style - back to full stature, without any lasting side effect. ~Steve Rushin

See, my own kid doesn't even have to be on the ice, and I'm at the rink cheering on his buddies! After a full day of wood chopping and wood deliveries, I took Willy and Marcus in to watch the PG Bantam B team play 100 Mile House. The boys won their game, 5-3. It's the best way to "be" Canadian - watching a hockey game or two on a Saturday night! And I got to have a visit with a couple of the hockey moms I don't get to see too often... Now, Willy, Kirby and Marcus are outside playing street hockey in the dark, in a total role reversal. Willy is in net and Marcus is the sniper tonight!

The girls had a busy day. Dakota had an audition for the upcoming Christmas play "A Christmas Adventure". She'll know tomorrow or the next day if she got a part in the play. She loves drama, so keep your fingers crossed. After that, we headed to Value Village for some halloween shopping. And while we were there, I had the girls fingerprinted and photographed with Child Find. It was a free service and hopefully not one I'll ever have to use, but it's on file just in case. Devin then went to a birthday party at the swimming pool. Dakota went along to go swimming while the boys and I were at the game.

Kirby went biking and spent most of the day with his buddy Glenn. He got his Ipod working today, so I didn't have to take it back. Donovan is busy working at the rodeo. He came home last night with a bunch of free goodies from Dodge and was quite happy with his night. Tomorrow are the finals, should be exciting! I'd like to take the whole family, but tickets to get in are like $18 each! That's a pricey Sunday afternoon for us!

I just had a nice, hot bubble bath... sitting in the cold rink chills me to the bone an the only way to warm up is in the tub. Blaine has a fire going, so it's getting nice and toasty... makes me want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and my book. But then again, maybe I should go down and do some scrapbooking??? I don't know... I can think of a million excuses sometimes. I had to laugh out loud at this quote I came across today, because, ah... I've done it a time or two!
A true scrapbook addict is one who stages photographs to match paper she likes. ~Author Unknown
Come on, admit it, so have you!

Tomorrow should be a quieter day around here. Have to get Donovan into work for 11am. Then come home and do laundry, some baking and some cleaning. Marcus' dad is going to come and pick him up, so that's one less trip to town for me. Bonus!

Oh yeah, I promised Dakota I would put this picture on my blog as a dedication to the class hamster, Po-Qwe (weird name, I know... try figuring out to spell it! LOL!) He died in class last week and the kids had a funeral and burial for him... she was devestated. I felt so bad for her... Now they're trying to raise money through bake sales to buy a new one. Shouldn't take too long, as hamsters are about $8 I think! Anyhow... RIP little friend...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come on chickie....Get off the computer and go scrap! I did! he he he
I managed to get one CJ done and am 1/2 way through the next one.

Sorry about the hamster Dakota! :(