Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday dinner and another Birthday!

So, I'm a day late! But better late than never... yesterday went by fast and we didn't get home until almost 9:30pm, so by the time I got the kids into bed and organized, I was too tired to sit and type. Esther and I sat and chatted and scrapbooked a bit to laze away the day.

Blaine and the boys had a FULL day of wood chopping and deliveries all over the country side. They went as far south as Hixon and up to Nukko Lake to finish off the day. Then, on their way to supper at Esthers, they ended up calling 911 because a pick up truck and a semi collided and hit two power poles that cut off power to the BCR site and the kids said the sky lit up like fireworks were going off. So they didn't get to Esthers until almost 7pm! After dinner we sat and watched Amazing Race before heading home...

Esther made a fabulous dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn, veggies and dip, salad and jell-o and whipped cream for dessert! Blaine enjoyed his birthday dinner! Yummy! Then he got to play on Esther's computer, helping getting the virus protection thing up and running again.

So nothing to exciting... but a good day! :o)


Anonymous said...


Esther said...

Hi Melissa,
Not sure where you get all your time in but your one BUSY lady! Good job with the pumpkins too:) that looked cool outside your place, and here, well...our pumpkin got forgotten and we didn't even carve it:( We had about 107 ghosts here last night, fun and then yes, enjoyed the fireworks too!