Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Jesus... and Merry Christmas to all!

Well, the morning has come and gone... the smell of turkey roasting in the oven is wafing through the house, the kids are all off playing with new toys and building gadgets with Blaine. Everything is ready to go for turkey dinner, veggies are peeled and cut, and we're just snackin' all day long!

Santa was good to everyone at my house this year! Blaine got a big air compressor with tons of attachments and tools, I got TWO new cartridges for my Cricut and a remote starter for my van, and Donovan bought me a foot spa/massager... I think it was more for him than me, because he is the BEST foot massager on the planet, so now he figures he gets out of it! LOL!

The boys are outfitted from head to toe with paintball guns, gear and ammo! Too bad we didn't read until too late that the CO2 canisters aren't filled, and they need them filled in order for their guns to work... bummer! Oh well, they're busy putting together the gym equipment that Grandpa Moston got them for Christmas.

The girls have so much stuff I can't even begin to tell you what they got! Some highlights include the Biggest Little Pet Shop for Dakota, a nail spa for Devin, a VCR/DVD combo for their room, tons of clothes, make up, and X-box games...

Here's a few photos to share from this morning:

Before the paper was flying!

It's a beautiful day here today... sun is shining, the birds are singing and all is well in our world! Another reminder to remember the reason for the season! Praise and thanks to our Lord God for being so good to us this past year!


Allyson said...


Esther said...

Yes, sounds like Santa was busy, do you ever stop??? Lots of smiling faces :) and look forward to playing together with our new cricket machines in the New Year, sometime too!! Have fun in Burnaby Melissa, wish I was there but....there are "papers" to be delivered..... ;)