Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween. ~Author Unknown

Couldn't help myself on that quote! LOL! It was too funny! Here is my Goulish crew before heading out for some Halloween fun... Donovan was a pretty tall, scary Vampire, Willy was a clown gone bad, Kirby was the Cat in the Hat, Devin was a devil and Dakota was an angel. Devin opted out of trick or treating, and stayed home with her dad to give out treats. She never was really into the whole trick or treating scene. I took the rest of the kids to town, and we went to Esthers. There, the kids left us and headed out on their own. The very first time Dakota ever went out without me! But she had the three boys with her, so it was okay! When they were done, we headed down to watch the awesome fireworks... what a beautiful way to end an awesome evening! We only had about 25 kids at our door this year... the joys of living on an acreage! The weather cooperated, no snow and the temperature hovered right around freezing... couldn't have asked for much more than that!

Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day... Blaine is back to dayshift, so that means all the driving is up to me. Dylan has a hockey game, Donovan has work, I have my digital portrait class... and then I have to pick up in the reverse order on the way home... sigh! It's going to be a long day tomorrow! So I guess I should hit the hay early! Yeah right!

Hope everyone had a happy and safe halloween where ever you were! I'll leave you with the scene from my front door tonight... Pumpkins Come and Pumpkins Go
But a Jack-O-lantern steals the show!

1 comment:

Memory Junction said...

Thanks Auntie Mern! Welcome to my world.. LOL! Yep, Blenny is cool! Dylan has a betta in his room, he's all alone down there and he seems to do just fine! Post some more pictures of Miss Graci soon... did she go out for Halloween?