Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fourteen hours and three round trips later...

I'm finally home for the day! UGH! I'm pooped! Too pooped to even go and watch TV... I just want to have a bath and crawl into my bed! Which I will be doing very shortly!

Left home this morning, dropped off the kids at school, dropped off Willy's skates to be sharpened, went to work, left work, picked up the girls, went and got Willy's skates, went and picked up the boys, drove home... got organized with homework for the girls, Willy got his gear together, Donovan got his work stuff ready, I got my camera bag and tripod ready, the boys got something to eat, headed back into town with the boys... got almost to town when I realized, I FORGOT my photography equipment at home! Too late to turn around, Willy has a hockey game and has to be at the rink, and Donovan has to be at work...dammit! Race to drop off the boys, and head back home to pick up my stuff! How come no one reminds me to take my stuff, when I remind all of them to make sure they all have what they need??? Sometimes my head can't hold everything in it! So now, I have my stuff and am racing back into town so I can catch a little bit of Willy's game before my class starts. Get to the rink a few minutes into the first period. Watch Willy play about half a period, head up the hill to the University.. take some Excedrin cuz my head is pounding. Do my class, visit with Dori, take some test shots, compare notes, have a piece of pizza since I'm starving, head back down the hill to the rink. Get there while Willy is doing his player interview with the coaches. All is good! He finishes up and we're still waiting for Donovan to be done work, so we sit and watch the Midget AAA's practice. Donovan finally calls about 9:30pm, so we pick him up next door and FINALLY head for home... Now I need to unwind and chill out so I can go to sleep!

Dakota and Kirby were already in bed when I got home and Devin was watching Criminal Minds with her daddy... at least someone got to watch Shemar tonight! LOL! ~wink, wink~ Days like these suck sometimes because it's such a whirlwind! I don't feel like I had any quality time with anyone, except for the time we're all in the van driving and singing along to the radio! Oh well, sometimes, it's better than nothing!

Tomorrow won't be much calmer... Dylan has practice, has a fitting for his custom mouth guard and has an award ceremony for lacrosse where he's receiving the MVP award. (Another proud mommy moment!) Thankfully, I'll just have to wait around in town for a bit until Willy's hockey, then I can come home. Blaine is going to go the rink when he gets off work and do the other activities so I can spend some time with everyone else! Maybe I can actually eat dinner with the kids tomorrow... won't that be a treat! LOL!

Nighty night all!

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