Thursday, November 09, 2006

And we're off!

Well, in a few hours anyway! Dylan and Donovan will be loading onto the bus with the team at 4am and Esther, Roxanne and I will be heading out around 6:30am from my house. I am SOOO looking forward to this trip! You have no idea! We have to stop in McLeese Lake for team cinnamon buns made special by the "Team Nana" and pick up a couple other things from mom and continue on our way. We hope to hit the scrapbook store in 'Loops either before or after the boys first game as it won't be open for the rest of the weekend! Oh well, there's always Michaels! LOL!

I am taking the laptop with me and the hotel has wireless internet, so I can still update my blog from down there! Keep your fingers crossed for the team... We really need to win a tournament! I just found out to that Uncle Brad is in Kamloops this weekend too, so he might be able to pop by the rink and watch his nephew play some AAA hockey! We sure would love to see him, and maybe Cory, Jake and Chase too... who knows?

I did my lunch box class tonight and TOTALLY love how my project turned out... I have all my stuff packed to work on for the rest of the weekend... now Esther better get her butt in gear and pack some stuff too or else she's going to regret it watching me accomplish something! LOL! (Are you reading this Esther???) Bring on your Bowron pics! Come on girl! I'll post some pictures of it when it's done!

Okay, I need to head off for a tubbie... I'm just waiting for Ma to call before bed... Last minute details to take care of!

Safe travels to the boys and us, and happy long weekend to you all!

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