Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Another quickie update before bed...

We have a huge wind storm blowing through and I haven't heard/felt wind like this since we left Hinton, where wind was par for the course! It's amazing how much you forget when you're not living in it everyday! It can be scary! No wonder Willy used to crawl into bed with us when he was little! LOL! I just pray the power doesn't go out! Our salt water aquariums are at risk without power!

Dakota called me at work today around 1:40pm to say she had a crampy tummy and needed me to come and get her. She sounds so little and cute on the phone! Needless to say, I left work a tad bit early and brought her home. Gave her some Pepto Bismol and we hit the couch to watch some soap operas... I fell asleep! Guess I'm not feeling so well either with this cold thingy, but at least I don't feel ~bad~, just run down. Hopefully no one else gets it! Blaine went into town to get the rest of the kids, and Devin had her first school Volleyball games, and her team won all their games! You go girls!

Willy and the rest of the hockey team met for some floor hockey at one of the schools. The boys sure seemed to have fun doing that! Hopefully they'll do a few more sessions... It's back to the regular hockey schedule tomorrow, and we get our studio session for our digi class tomorrow night, so I can't wait for that!

Anyhow... I'm off to bed! Had my tubbie earlier with the girls! Nighty night!

1 comment:

Esther said...

Hi Melissa, Yes, the boys had fun doing the floor hockey, good thing it was inside, everything would've flew away outside! WINDY Congrats on a scout calling Dylan!! Way to go Mr. Willick!!:) I have to say I didn't get much at all done as far as SB went but hey, I was "social" and I loved your work, hardly wait to see the finished product!! had to send a comment to give you mail :) Esther