Sunday, November 26, 2006

Another weekend come and gone...

How come the weekends always seem to ~fly~ by? Back to the grind tomorrow... work, hockey, school, hockey, Air Cadets, last digi class, hockey... lots going on! I just got off the phone with Willy. They're in Medicine Hat. They've got a lot of road to cover before getting home. Willy said it was snowing, so that won't help anything! The team will be heading out to Dawson Creek and Fort St John for some exhibition games on Friday... so he'll miss Monday (tomorrow) and Friday at school again this week... Good thing he's a great student!

We had Art & Gretchen out for lunch and a visit this afternoon. It was nice to visit with them away from the rink! Gretchen brought out some more baskets for Mom's store for them to take back with them. Nana made a batch of cinnamon buns today, which we had for dessert! Yummy!!! Ma & Pa left here after lunch in the brilliant sunshine and biting cold! McTuff is always so lost for the first while after Holly & Heidi go home... he doesn't quite know what to do with himself. It was down to -24 this morning. I think we hit a high of -19 today! Positively balmy! ~NOT~ The weather is supposed to change by the end of the week, back to +6 by Friday! YES! It will feel like summer by then! LOL!

I was all excited about watching my Sunday night TV line-up, only to discover that Cold Case and Without a Trace aren't on tonight... instead it's a TV movie! I will get to catch Desperate Housewives then at 9pm, and hit the hay early tonight instead!

I keep waiting for my friend Debbie to have her 8th baby... she's overdue by a couple of days now! Dakota wants her to have him on her birthday (tomorrow the 27th)... maybe she'll wait and have him on my birthday (December 8th!) Sorry Debbie... I won't wish you overdue vibes at all! I can't wait to meet the newest little one!!!

Hopefully Kathy and I can get some walking in at the CN Centre this week... need to work off those calories from Nana's cinnamon buns! LOL! Happy Sunday All!!!

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