Monday, November 13, 2006

Home again, home again...

Well... we lost in the semi finals to a very strong and physical Chilliwack team this morning much to everyone's disappointment... We ended up with many players with injuries (some boys are out for 4-6 weeks!!!) and one who had the flu and couldn't play. The boys battled hard and were tired, but there was only so much they could do. Dylan even scored on a penalty shot! It was a fabulous deke! So we take the Bronze and be happy with that... We even had a WHL scout call Blaine today! How exciting is that?????? :o)

Too bad that Uncle Brad didn't show up to watch Dylan play... Dylan was very disappointed that he didn't take the time to come and watch some awesome hockey. I was disappointed that I didn't get to see his boys, but whatever...

Our drive home was good. The roads were pretty good most of the way and we only saw one accident with a semi truck in the ditch. I got the divider cards I had taken with me to scrapbook finished, so I can start on some pictures of my wedding! WOOHOO! The scrapbook store in Kamloops pretty well sucked for a city of it's size. I was very disappointed in their lack of product and the lines they didn't carry! Even Esther wasn't impressed, although she did manage to drop a pretty penny in there! LOL!

I have a cold coming on, and I hope I don't get the flu that some of the boys had! Blaine just left to go to town to pick up Willy and Donovan off the bus... they're going to be tired! At least 6am practice is optional tomorrow morning and we're opting out! Willy needs a good night sleep! And so does MOM! I'm off to watch Hero's and then hit the hay! Night!

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