Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy 9th Birthday to Dakota... and Happy ~Birth~ Day to Keaton!

Such an exciting day! Dakota's nine and she couldn't be more excited that Debbie had Keaton today too! He was 7lbs 10oz and 21" long... and he has a head of hair! I think he looks like Danton, Debbie thinks he looks like Chantal... I don't know, he's just plain ADORABLE! And I can't wait to see him again! And silly me, I even had my camera in the van, but I forgot to take it up! Oh well... I promised Debbie I'd come over a do a "baby shoot" for her... you know, little toes, fingers, mommy's hands, daddy's hands etc! I can't wait! Debbie looks darned right awesome for just having had a baby... all Keaton's sisters and his big brother were there too, so it was a tight squeeze... he's going to be one loved little boy!

Here is a picture of Miss Dakota going to bed last night, saying a final good bye to being Eight!

We've done this picture a few times over the years, the most memorable when she was two turning three, and she was in her little crib bed... sniff, sniff! How time flies! I'm just getting plain OLD!

Willy and the boys arrived on the bus this morning about quarter after ten in the biting cold! Some of the kids bags were covered in snow and frost! You sure could tell it was a cold ride home from Saskatchewan! And speaking of returning a champion, here is a picture of him holding his trophy... Such a big smile for such a tired man! 19 hours on the bus through the night... glad it was them and not me! He got nine points in four games, 4 goals and five assists. He isn't sure what his +/- rating was for the weekend, but it was high on the + side... His co-assistant captain, Brett Connolly was awarded the Outstanding Forward of the Tournament! Congratulations Brett! Well done! The whole team as a whole played solid, good hockey and the parents are all very proud of the effort put forth by the boys this weekend! Go COUGARS Go! Best of all, 6am practice is cancelled tomorrow! WOOHOO!

After school today, we got Dakota's aquarium set up. Willy was nice enough to let her have "Larson" his Betta fish, jump into the big tank to help get the tank cycled. We haven't seen Larson swim so much in his life! LOL! He probably thinks he must have died and is in heaven; a tank with lights and a heater! We'll wait another week or so before adding some new tank mates for Larson... so long as the fish don't resemble any male bettas, he's fine in the big tank with other fishes! Doesn't she look excited? And her cute new hat is from Auntie Kelly. She made it for her and gave it to her at dancing today. Too sweet!

We're waiting for Hero's to come on... Hopefully Dakota doesn't have nightmares tonight. Last week's episode was a bit intense for her right before bed, but she insists on watching it with us, she likes most of the characters, but doesn't like Syler or Jessica.

I'm going to help Esther tomorrow morning to get her blog started. She's got comments on her blog site without anything on it, and it's time to get her educated on blogging and get going! She could have some pretty awesome pages on skiing and stuff, so when it's ready for her debut, I'll post a link on my page so you can check it out too!

Then maybe on Wednesday, Kath and I can meet at the Coliseum and get some walking in! I guess we'll have to see! TTFN!


Esther said...

hi testing

Esther said...

Thank you so much Melissa for all your help at getting me going on "my" blog, confusing for me to say the least! Yes, our boys did well, certainly able to "strut" their stuff for alot of different scouts... Now it's time for making something to eat, floor hockey soon....
Esther :)