Sunday, November 19, 2006

Another quickie trip to Kamloops & back!

Talk about another whirl wind weekend! After my digi class yesterday morning at the park, Blaine picked me up and we started dropping kids off all over the countryside. Donovan spent the weekend with Kath and Serge and working at the CN Centre, Kirby stayed with Glen and family, we dropped off Devin with Auntie Kelly, then popped in to see Papa and left Dakota with him, and headed down to Kamloops. Rolled in to the hotel around 7:30pm and went to Pizza Hut for some dinner. Then we left to find the rink as it was a new one we'd not been to before. Found that and timed our way back to the hotel. Had a bath, watched some TV and turned the lights out at 9:30pm. The wake up call didn't happen at 5:40am like we asked, so good thing Willy set his watch alarm and it went off at 5:45am. Showered, packed up and left the hotel at 6:10am... we discovered later that Willy left his pillow in the hotel... dang! Got to the arena at 6:25am, and Willy headed in to get dressed. The boys were on the ice for four hours today then had to wait around to see if they were invited to the Provincial camp... and I'm happy to say, Willy did! GO WILLY! Here is a picture of him managing to keep the puck away from the opposition...

After hockey we relaxed over some lunch at BP then hit Toys R Us before heading out to collect the children from all the over the Cariboo! LOL! Dakota had an awesome time with Nana and Papa, but as usual, ran out of time to get to do all the things they had planned, Devin ended up spending one more night in Quesnel and she'll be home for dance with Auntie Kelly tomorrow, Kirby was home and had the home fires burning for us when we arrived, and Blaine headed into town to pick up Donovan and some much needed lunch stuff for the kids... too bad he forgot to pick up the dog food on the list as poor McTuffy has to eat cat food until tomorrow! Oh well, he thinks it's a treat so not to worry!

There are major power outages from before Quesnel all the way up to places here in PG. Thankfully, our lights have stayed on and no more wind is forecasted for the night. We saw lots of downed trees and trees leaning on power lines and communication poles all the way home...

I'll leave you with a picture of my tired boy on the way home... we weren't too far out of Kamloops when I shot this one...

Night all!


Esther said...

See I'm even checking your blog!! WAY TO GO WILLIE!! Was there many guys that he knew, like Grant or anyone? Yes, we kept the power on here all the time too, altho I heard they had one lane of the hwy shut down to single lane only, as too dangerous with trees coming down. Melissa, we had +11 on Sunday and extremely windy!!!!! Our snow is leaving us :(
Got my album for my "special" project today, along with...more paper??? and the circle hole punch!! I see we're doing the fund raising together on Saturday morning...
Hope your day went well, hard to settle down after zoom zoom zoom I'd think! Hope your cold isn't catching you either...?
TTYL Esther

Memory Junction said...

Didn't know a single person except the guy who was there to coach the girls team. Can't think of his name of the top of my head.

No worries Esther! The snow and cold are coming back soon! Yep, we'll be freezing our butts off together outside the dollar store on Saturday morning... I may jam out and send in Blaine! We'll see! I'm doing ticket sales on the Friday night with the girls at Zellers' so I might not be into selling the next morning too!

Can't wait to see what you bought for your album and your new goodies!