Saturday, November 04, 2006

The road to a friend's house is never long. - Danish Proverb

We're home after a wonderful afternoon and evening at Kathy and Serge's. Dakota even managed to snag herself a sleepover with Morgan (it's a good thing she was pro-active this morning and thought to put her binky in the van with her sleepover stuff, ~just in case~ ) LOL! Kath made chicken cordon bleu and mashed potatoes and gravy with veggies, and berry pie for dessert! It was DELISH! She's a cooking queen! Too bad Miss Fussy Pants Dakota won't try anything! She has no clue what she's missing out on... too bad, let her eat peanut butter sandwiches! We sat around after supper and played a couple of games of pigs and had fun razzing each other when we didn't get any points... oink, oink!

We finally got some snow that we thought might be staying, but it's been raining and the temperature is going up and I think it's going to melt away, much to Kirby's chargrin! Dakota and Morgan tried to make a snowman outside today, but they got soaked right through from the rain. McTuff caught a squirrel in the backyard today... little bugger! Donovan got him away from it and put him in the house, and went back out and the squirrel managed to make it into the forest. I doubt he'll be making a return trip to the bird feeder anytime soon!

I signed up for a lunch pail album class at the scrapbook store for Thursday night. I'm finally going to dig out my wedding pictures and do something with them! We've only been married for 17 years already! Sheesh! I'd say it's about time!!! Tomorrow is my "stay-in-my-jammies-and-scrapbook-all-day" day! I have two circle journals to do and get off to Krista in Quesnel. And I want to get my pail album stuff all organized. I guess I'll do some laundry and maybe bake a batch of cookies for lunches. And hopefully I'll also finish off my CD tin that I keep promising to upload pictures of! Oh yeah, and take a picture of my finished Circle Journal that arrived home to me on Friday after being gone for one year and nine months! It's been all across Canada and down to the States and back! Very cool to have a keepsake made by 16 very talented ladies...

The local scrapbook store here in PG is up for sale and I'm getting lots of pressure from a few people to buy it! LOL! While I miss the industry, I don't think I miss the day to day operations and the stress level of owning your own business. But I do miss teaching and my customers...

I took in a craft fair today... nothing spectacular. Mostly knitting and crochet and some woodworking stuff. But nothing that jumped out and said BUY ME! Well, one snow man tole piece, but she wanted $75! Then I browsed the two scrapbook stores and enjoyed my down time while Willy was selling raffle tickets and the other kids were cruising the mall with Blaine... Bliss I tell you!

Well, I think I'm going to hit the hay... I have a busy day of creativity ahead of me! WOOHOO! Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

Allyson said...

Ohhhh - C'mon BUY THE know you want to!
I have lots of inventory to start you off with! LOL