Wednesday, November 08, 2006

You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason

Another crazy busy few days around my house... I finally have a minute to sit and do some typing... The fixer-upper sports car is now in my drive way... not looking anything at all like the pictures Blaine sent to me! ROTF! I guess he's got a whole lot of work to do over the next few...years! It is currently blue and I'll have to take some pictures to document the whole process.

I had my "yearly" at the doctor's office today. He re-checked my lump and thinks it was just a localized infection and everything is going away now. My blood pressure was good and no more lumpies anywhere! WHEW!

Went to digi class tonight. Didn't really learn anything, but we did get to look at everyone's best and worst pictures and it's awesome looking at things through someone else's eyes! There is one guy in the class who has an eye for seeing things I don't think I ever would have. His pictures are weird in a really cool way if you get what I mean! And I met a gal in my class tonight who used to live in Hinton, and her hubby knows my hubby! Kinda neat! And she even remembered that Mom and I used to have the store there... it's a small world I tell you!

Willy found out tonight at practice he's been named as an assistant captain of the team! WOOHOOO! Congrats bud! And they changed lines again, and he's now the centre man of the first line... We're really looking forward to getting down to Kamloops this weekend and playing some hockey and me taking a ton of pictures! We don't get to see much action in town, and since this is my first out of town trip, the pictures just aren't happening like they were last year. Esther and I are going to bring our scrapbooking projects and we hope to be able to camp out in the hotel and just work away on stuff! I can't wait!

Franki sent me this in an email tonight, and I thought I'd post my answers here! Enjoy!

4 things about me............

Four jobs I have had in my life:

1. Front Desk Clerk

2. Cashier IGA

3. Judicial Clerk

4. Prison Guard

Four movies I would watch over and over:

1. Top Gun

2. Finding Nemo

3. Pay it Forward

4. Pirates of the Caribbean

Four places I have lived:

1. Port Hardy, BC

2. Hinton, AB

3. Quesnel, BC

4. Prince George

Four TV shows I love to watch:

1. The Young and the Restless

2. Amazing Race

3. Grey's Anatomy

4. Friday Night Lights

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. Disneyland

2. Disney World

3. Las Vegas

4. Toronto/Niagara Falls

Websites I visit daily:

1. Canada Scrapbooks

2. November 1997 Moms

3. Elements User Forums

4. all my friends blogs and baby websites

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Franki's sweet and sour chicken

2. homemade pizza

3. Fettuccine alfredo baked with cheese

4. homemade mac & cheese with cracker crumble topping & pork cutlets

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. In bed

2. in the tub

3. on a beach somewhere warm

4. on the coast, I love the ocean!!!

Four of my favorite beverages

1. Chai tea

2. Smirnoff Raspberry Twists

3. Iced Tea

4. Water

There! So now you maybe now a few more things about me that you didn't know before! And maybe a few things you didn't even want to know! LOL!

So now I am off to the top two places I'd rather be right now... Bath and Bed! Ta ta!

1 comment:

Allyson said...

Four of my favorite beverages

2. Smirnoff Raspberry Twists

ha ha...when did you start drinking those??? {wink}