Sunday, November 05, 2006

Scrapbooking on a Sunday...

Ahhh... what an end to a relaxing day! I even spent the WHOLE day in jammies, and so did Devin! Sometimes, it's the only way to make sure you do "nothing" too stressing! LOL!

Blaine and Willy were gone all day doing firewood deliveries for the team. I started the day off with some chores, laundry and baking. Then Kathy & Serge stopped by to drop off Dakota and pick up their snow mobile since we finally have some snow! McTuff lost his jacket somewhere outside... now we have to have a hunting expedition to find it! Dumb Dog! Then after lunch, I hit my scrapbook room and spent the rest of the day finishing up projects and getting circle journals completed! Sheer Bliss I tell you! I sure wish I could do that every weekend! As promised, I'm uploading some pictures of my finished projects... first the Family themed CD tin... And here's what the inside looks like of the kids school pictures: Now for the Circle journals... the first themed album was on Music... well, you all know what kind of music I love! LOL! And the second one was on Life's Lessons: It was so nice to get these finished so quickly and back in the mail in less than week. My CJ is finally home after 21 months of traveling through the US and Canada. It is a book I will treasure forever! I also got my wedding pictures and my papers, ribbons and embellishments ready for my lunch box class on Thursday night... I am SOOO looking forward to that one! I'll be sure to post those once I've completed that project as well.

I gotta say that I do not like how dark it gets now in the afternoon... by 4:30pm, I'm having to turn on the lights and by 5pm, it's almost pitch black outside! No wonder the kids are "bored" in the evenings and it feels like the night drags on and on! It seemed to take forever to get to 8 o'clock so we could all sit down and watch Amazing Race. I'm bummed that team Kentucky was eliminated. They were such a hoot to watch and refreshing in their un-worldliness...

Now hopefully my batteries are recharged for the upcoming week! Back to the routine tomorrow. The girls have dance tomorrow, and I have a candle party, Tuesday is 6am hockey and Donovan works, Wednesday is hockey, and digital class, Thursday is hockey and lunch pail class, then Friday morning at 4am, Willy, Donovan and I head down to Kamloops for a hockey tournament. Donovan is going with the team as the "official videographer"... he'll ride the bus with the team, stay with the team and eat with the team. His first experience being part of a real "team"... it should be a great weekend.

Sure hope everyone also had a refreshing Sunday and here's to wishing you smooth sailing in the week ahead! Night!

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