Friday, November 17, 2006

Heading into the weekend!!!

Another busy day yesterday! Kathy and I met at the CN Centre to do some walking at 9am. Well, by about 9:10am and the doors hadn't opened yet, we finally read the small print on the signs, and lo and behold, no walking on event set up days! Geez! We finally decide to get together and get some exercise and the place is closed! LOL! So we headed over to Tim Horton's for a tea before work! We had a good visit though!

Went to work, picked up the kids and headed home. Willy only had about 1/2 hour at home before having to head back into town for hockey. Blaine dropped him off on his way to work. Then I headed in because we had a meeting after hockey in regards to the BC Best Ever program and the try out process involved. It is a phenomenal program and I sure hope that Willy makes the team.

Rushed home to find a plugged toilet and all the hassles that are associated with that... never could get the darned thing unplugged! Had to leave it for Blaine when he got home this morning. THEN... I went downstairs to watch Grey's Anatomy and happened to glance at the fish tank and noticed that my prized one armed Emerald Crab, Ozzie was upside down looking markedly dead! THEN my eyes found that my huge lawn mower blenny, Bling Bling was also dead! WHAT THE HECK!!! A few of the hermit crabs were already munching on him... boo hoo! We got them out of the tank, but I have no idea why they died! So far this morning, everything else looks okay! It better stay that way... Two weeks ago our tomato clown, Tommy jumped out of the tank and was no where to be found, however I suspect my kitty Keni probably had a snack! :o(

So it's off to work with another busy weekend ahead of us. Nathan is coming for a sleepover before we head off to Kamloops after lunch. We're going to watch some Midget AAA hockey tonight and enjoy the action in the Kin Centres. PG is playing the Cloverdale Colts. Should be a great game! Devin is going to Auntie Kelly's, Dakota is having a sleepover at Nana's, Kirby is off to a friends house for the weekend, and Donovan is going to spend the weekend between work at the Monster Truck event and at Auntie Kathy's house! BUSY!

Have a great day!

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