Friday, November 03, 2006

Remember that post...

on self breast examination I did not so long ago? Well, put into practice, it works! I found a lump last night on the left underside of my breast, and thankfully after a trip to the doctor today, and a sleepless night last night, it would appear that I just have a clogged duct of some kind, and we're just watching it for now. I go back to the doctor on Thursday next week for a follow up. I may need to have a needle aspiration if the lump hasn't subsided, but he thinks it will be fine. I can't tell you how much of a scare that put into me... so please, DO YOUR EXAMS!!!

On a lighter note, I'm just home from selling raffle tickets with Willy. The mall was really quiet, so we didn't sell a whole lot, but it was better than nothing! It's hard to be a kid and be turned down time and time again, but they keep asking and are rewarded every once in awhile.

I still have one more trip into town tonight. Donovan is working at CN Centre for the stupid King of the Cage extreme fighting event... It's not something we'd ever spend money on for entertainment, but a lot of people sure do! But hey, whatever!

We're going to Auntie Kathy's and Uncle Serge's for dinner tomorrow. Dakota is looking forward to spending the day with Miss Morgan tomorrow. Willy has more ticket selling from 1-3pm, then we'll head up the hill to the Hart for a good visit. Now that hockey season is fully upon both of our households, we don't get a chance to sneak a visit in very often! :o(

I'm off for my tubbie... go figure! Nighty night!

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