Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Winter Wonderland...

It's beginning to look and feel a lot like winter out there! It took us 40 minutes to drive home after school today! The snow was coming down fast and furious in light fluffy flakes and it's getting cold out there brrrrr!!! The highway was a terror to drive! Blowing snow and poor visibility made for a slow drive... I was hoping this would stay away for another month or so, but I guess it's here whether I like it or not!

We've been whirlwinding as usual the last couple of days. Last night Willy had door to door ticket selling for the team raffle. So while he was doing that, I went and got some groceries and then sat and visited with Dayna and sniggled little Miss Draya! She's such a doll and I love her baby smell! I wish they could bottle that baby "fragrance" LOL! We got home just in time to watch "Hero's"... man, that show just gets better and better! Reminds me of the X-Files, which I still miss to this day!

Today, Devin had some Volleyball games after school. We watched them win 2 and lose 2. Oh well, she's having fun! We left the school and drove home. We walked in the door, started supper and Donovan got ready for work. Blaine drove in the driveway, came in to say Hello then walked back out with Donovan. I just wasn't up to driving again. B's going to go back into work while Dono's at the game. Great news on B's work front... he got a new job! He's now the Assistant Chief of two of the pulp mills here in PG! Way to go hunshine! :o)

I actually had some time after supper to do some photo editing for one of the mom's on our hockey team... and update my blog of course! I should actually be running the vacuum cleaner over the carpets, but I will be HOME this weekend, so I'm going to save chores for then! The kids have a NI day on Friday, so they have a long weekend. Willy has hockey practice tomorrow then the team is off to Swift Current, Sask on Thursday for the weekend for a tournament. It's a long, long way from home so I hope the boys do well! I don't think too many parents are making this trip... The weekend after that, they're in Dawson Creek and Fort St John for some exhibition games. The weekend after THAT, they're in Victoria for a tournament. I wish I was going to that one, but I couldn't get the time off work. I want the time off after Christmas so I can go to the tournament in Burnaby Dec 27-31st. Esther will just have to cheer extra loud for me too! :o) And hopefully Auntie Dawn and family will be able to come down from Courtney and watch a game or two!

I have my digi class tomorrow night. I think we only have two left! Where does the time go?? Speaking of time flying... Dakota's birthday party is this Saturday. We're having a Hawaiian Luau at the pool... Should be fun! Nana and Papa are coming up for the fun, which makes it extra special! I can't believe my baby girl is going to be NINE years old! I so remember the day she was born... stubborn little thing she was! Good thing that stubborn streak never manifested itself as she grew! She really wants a fish tank for her room... we're looking at a ten gallon with lights, hood etc. She wants to have guppies and some guppy babies! She's following in her mom's footsteps... :o) I loved my fish tank when I was a teenager.

I should get some stuff done before the Music Awards come on at 8pm. Not much else on TV tonight... I may even get to bed early tonight! LOL! Thanks for reading... Night!

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