Saturday, November 25, 2006

Party time... and hockey too!

Another busy, busy day around here! Nana and Dakota started the morning by baking the cupcakes for her party this afternoon. Then we headed into town to do some shopping at the crazy busy mall! Geez, it was a mad house in there!!! Anyhow, we got what we needed for our Luau and spent some time in LA Express with Devin wanting to buy the whole store, which was all on 50% off! We left with some jeans, a shirt, a sweater with fur collar and a pair of PJ's for about $36! Not too shabby!

Then we came home and got organized for the party. Papa had a pretty bad headache by this time so he went for a nap. By the time we were ready to leave, he still wasn't feeling well, so he missed out but Nana came and we had tons of fun! The kids had their cupcakes and drinks first, then Dakota opened presents and she received some awesome gifts! Lots of Littlest Pet Shop things, and she was quite thrilled. She got some arts and crafts stuff too, which always goes over well. I love this picture the best though... she just opened up her Tinkerbell watch from Daddy and I... isn't it great? She'd been bugging me all day at the mall for a watch and I think she was beginning to think I was just being mean!!! Little did she know! LOL! She got an aquarium and a movie from Nana and Papa. She got some money from Grandma & Grandpa Willick and us, and she's going to stock her aquarium and get some extra supplies. Auntie Kathy and Uncle Serge stayed and kept us company and Serge and Blaine went to get some pizza for the kids. Went over really well! All in all, it was a great night!

As for the hockey... the boys are in the GOLD medal game tomorrow! They won their game tonight, 10-6 against Saskatoon. They'll be playing someone from the East Central Alberta pool, perhaps Stettler. I'll post results when I get them! And oh yeah, the WHL Cougars are on a four game winning streak. They won 3-2 against Chilliwack. Ryan Howse managed to his score his first WHL goal tonight with under two minutes left in the game... the hometown crowd went wild for the opposition for one minute! It was awesome to hear! Congratulations Ryan!!!

Off to have a drink of tea and a tubby! Happy Sunday to all!

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