Thursday, November 23, 2006

A change of scenery...

Well, since it was looking so wintery outside, I figured a new "look" to the blog would be appropriate too! We were able to come home early today as the boys had early dismissal because of report day. All the boys did fairly well; Willy made the Principals List with straight A's again, Donovan and Kirby both are doing better than they did last year. Kirby has to work a bit harder in math and science to get his lower 60-ish% grades up to the 69% he needs in order to go into the Welding trade program here for grade 11. He has to maintain a 69% average in order to be accepted into the program. Thankfully, this is only a mid-term report, and he has some time to work at these subjects to get his marks up before his final marks are awarded at the end of January. All the kids have a Non-instructional day off tomorrow, so they're going to be doing chores while I'm at work... sounds like a fun pay-off for me! LOL!

Willy and the team left this morning in a snow storm around 7:30am... they called from Jasper at 12:30, and were eating at a restaurant in Edmonton by 5:30pm... they're supposed to be going all the way to Medicine Hat tonight, then carrying on to Swift Current tomorrow. None of us parent seem to have a schedule of their games, so I have no clue as to when, where or whom they're playing! I've left a message for the team manager on his phone to please leave that info on the hockey hotline updates, so we at least know something!

Dakota has been getting RSVP's to her party all afternoon. She's happy that most everyone will be able to come. Tomorrow night, our family plus Nana and Papa are going to watch the WHL Cougars play the Chilliwack Bruins. It's the first time they've been here as it's an expansion team AND Ryan Howse, a PGMHA player, (who was #1 in the WHL bantam draft this spring!) is playing in his first WHL game as a 15 year old player! How exciting for him and his family! He only gets to play five games with the team because of his age, but what a debut on home ice, as the star of the opposition team! I think I'll allow him only one goal, then after that, it has to be Cougars' all the way! Sorry Ryan! LOL!

It's must watch Thursday night TV tonight... Survivor, Grey's Anatomy, and ER... a night on the couch veggin'... awesome!

I'll post hockey updates as I have them... Night!

1 comment:

Esther said...

Hi again, Geez, I should be wall washing but here I am checkin' up on ya!! Yes I was curious if anyone knew the schedule so hopefully it'll be on the hotline now!! Can't find anyone to do the Citizen for me when we go to Victoria, but am callling the Citizen tomorrow "morning" and gonna' say "I'm" going.... Are you going to Dawson? I'm going to be at the ski club on that Saturday so I'm not... Enjoy your TV tonight, chat tomorrow. :) E