Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Typical Tuesday?

Or not! Got to work today to find out that we had burst some pipes overnight in this frigid weather! Finally had a plumbing company come and rescue us and get the water turned back on so we could at least use the washrooms... no water also makes for crabby people when you can't make coffee or tea! LOL! Phil and Char were nice enough to go to Tim Hortons for coffee and hot chocolate for the crew! Left work and headed out to round up the rug rats. Got the girls and headed for a quick stop at Value Village and the pet store. Picked up the boys and rushed home to make dinner because Donovan has Air Cadets tonight and Willy has floor hockey with the team.

Fed the tribe and we're waiting for Blaine to arrive home... and wait, and wait, and wait! And start to get worried because it's now after 6pm, he should have been home awhile ago and he's taking the boys in and heading back into work for a bit because they're having major problems with all the cold weather too. Of course, both his cell phones are sitting on the counter here at home, like they're doing him any good there! Anyhow, he made it safe and sound, walked in and out with the boys... they're both going to be late for their activities! Oh well, what do you do? Esther is being a doll and is bringing Willy home for me after floor hockey! So nice! Then Willy doesn't have to hang around town waiting for Donovan to be done AC or Blaine to be done at the mill... And he won't miss too much of Friday Night Lights then...

Tried to call back Auntie Twila... she called and left a message today while I was at work. It was nice to hear her voice! Haven't talked to her in forever! But, she wasn't home so I left a message for her... phone tag, you're it!!!

Dakota sat and got her English homework done. She had a lot of pages to complete tonight. Three double sided, all on plurals. I had to correct a bunch of stuff, so she had to re-do some, but I think she gets it now... Here is a picture of her working so hard...

And here is a picture of King Keni helping Dakota after the fact...
He is such a nuisance! He loves to knock everything off any high surface he can... including my scrapbook supplies, drinking glasses off the bathroom counter, Devin's jewelery... little bugger! But we love him! :o)

This is what Devin was up to tonight... learning how to tune my guitar with the help of the internet! Isn't it amazing what the kids can learn do these days with the help of the internet?
And Kirby was hiding out in the boys room playing on the XBOX... do you think he could get ANY closer to the TV Set???

I just got off the phone with Auntie Twila... no more phone tag tonight! We're all caught up! :o)It was good to yak at her... we haven't had a chance to talk since this summer I think!

Blaine has been busy getting his new office all put together at work. He's got lots to do to get himself familiar with the Intercon mill and the people working there.

Anyhow, I should run... Lots to do, and I've been yakking on the phone and typing all evening long! Have a good one!

1 comment:

Esther said...

Wow, what a time for the pipes to act up! Hope it's all in order again now! No prob bringing your son home and the cookies, just to say Thanks for your help at getting me and my "blog" going!! Congratulations on your scrapbooking page in the Canadian Scrapbook magazine, gotta' go get me a magazine now!! Didn't get much done SB today but, nice visit once again, MUST get at it tho or I'll be behind on my "special" project if I'm not careful!! Hope your day went well,
Esther :)