Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What an exciting day!!!

Well, as most of you may already know from my excited email, I'm now "officially" published in Canada in the Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine... It was one of my online buddies who alerted me to the fact that she'd already seen the magazine at her local scrapbook store in Alberta and was emailing me to congratulate me!!! I thought it wasn't coming out until the middle of December... oh well, it was a nice surprise anyhow! :O) I took the magazine into work today, and everyone had a lookie loo.

I also went shopping this morning for our "Adopt a family" through our MEDIChair office. We have a family of three, mom and two kids, one boy, one girl. I bought the girl a scrapbooking kit, go figure, and the boy wanted a hoodie, so I got him one with a bonus electronic hand held game. It was fun shopping for someone else's kids and knowing that we're making their wishes come true. It is what Christmas is all about!

I finished my digi class tonight too... wasn't at all impressed with the whole course. For the amount of money we paid, I really expected more out of it. It really felt like it was a waste of time and money for me... lesson learned! Just because someones photographs are awesome, it doesn't automatically mean that they're a great teacher...

I am really bagged tonight... I'm going to bed early... well, early for me anyhow! Nighty night!

1 comment:

Allyson said...

Whoo Hoo chickie! That is so exciting!!! I will be on the lookout for the new issue!